Generalised anxiety course
If you think of yourself as a "chronic worrier", you may be experiencing generalised anxiety. This is the most common form of anxiety, where you worry about a variety of issues, rather than anything specific. You may find your levels of worry are getting in the way of relationships, work, daily life or leisure.
In this course, you'll learn skills using Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), to reduce your worry, anxiety, and physical symptoms. This will help you find a more positive path forward in both the short and long term.
Start course nowHow effective is it?
Most people benefit from each lesson completed and show greater improvement when they complete the entire course.
Randomised controlled trials and effectiveness studies prove that the tool really works.
of people who benefited substantially
of people report they were no longer troubled by anxiety after completing the course
Generalised anxiety course participantI would like to thank you for making this course available. I have been told I would benefit from CBT many times, but because it's expensive to do I haven't been able to get the help. I really appreciate the opportunity to do this course.
Step by step
- 1Take a quiz
- Take a short quiz to get an understanding of how you're feeling before starting the course.
- 2Illustrated stories
- Follow our characters as they gain some CBT skills and learn to look after their mental health.

- 3Lesson
- Lessons and activities you can download to practise the skills learnt in each story.
- 4Tools & Tips
- Additional activities and information you can download and complete between lessons.

What type of support will I receive?
The amount of support you receive will depend on how you choose to do this course. If the healthcare professional you are working with prescribes it for you, they will receive updates on your wellbeing and progress so they can support you.
If you choose the self-care method, you won't get support from your health professional. The self-care method is designed to enhance motivation and self-reliance. Provided you complete all parts of the course, your results from the self-care method will be as good as with supervision.
How long will it take?
You can take this free course at your own pace. It is best to do one lesson every week or two, so you have time to practise and revise the new skills you've learnt. After you've finished, we'll keep your account open so you can revisit the course at any time.
Give it a try now