We won’t rest until every New Zealander can access the support they need in a way that suits them.
Just a Thought offers free cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) courses to all New Zealanders.
Whāia te mātauranga hei oranga mōu
Seek knowledge for the sake of your wellbeing.
Our story
We’re a small but mighty team, relentless in our goal – to bridge the gap between the demand for mental health support and access to treatment.
Our evidence-based courses are developed by a world-leading team of researchers and clinicians from St Vincent's Hospital and the University of New South Wales, Australia. We enhance and adapt each course for our culture, environment and the people of Aotearoa, New Zealand.
We’re proud to be able to offer our courses to all New Zealanders at no cost and have supported over 60,000 people with their mental wellbeing since launching in 2019.
Why did we call our tool Just a Thought?
Thoughts are powerful things. They affect how we see the world, and how we experience life. By changing your thoughts, you can change your life, so we decided to call our tool ‘Just a Thought’.
Proudly part of the Wise Group
Just a Thought is part of the Wise Group — one of the largest providers of mental health, addiction and wellbeing services in Aotearoa New Zealand. Read more
With very special thanks to…

Professor Richie Poulton
As a Wise Trust Board member, it was Professor Richie Poulton’s vision and sheer determination to bring evidence-based online therapy to Aotearoa, as part of the solution to increasing access to mental wellbeing support, that drove the development of Just a Thought.
Richie was an inspirational leader and generous mentor to our team. We’re forever grateful for his guidance and support.

Dr George Salmond
Thanks to the generosity of Dr George Salmond, whose support has helped to make Just a Thought a free service - ensuring all New Zealanders have equitable access to mental health support now and into the future.
We love hearing from the people we support about how Just a Thought has impacted their life.
This course saved me. Thank you.
- Anxiety Course participant
I signed up because I'm learning Sign Language and wanted to get more opportunities to practice.
I just wanted to let you know how much I have appreciated and benefitted from the course. The signers are clear and easy to understand, so my Sign Language has improved - but what I didn't expect is I really benefitted from the course! I didn't go into this necessarily needing mental health support, but now I find myself using a lot of the tips and techniques, and it has helped me to enjoy my life more. Anyway, thanks to everyone involved in this project. It's been such an unexpectedly useful resource.
- Mixed Anxiety and Depression (NZSL) Course participant
Thank you, it helped a lot.
The suggested activities were simple, and gave me hope that I could get better. I didn't have the energy to go and read books, so it was great to read your material, and easy to digest with a sad brain. The visuals were good, and it was motivating to keep on reading, just a bit at a time.
- Depression Course participant
Absolutely a great course.
It helped me a lot. My anxiety went lower straight away after I understood what is anxiety and the ways to manage it.
- Social Anxiety Course participant
Thank you so much for creating such a useful tool.
I really found the courses helpful and beneficial, I have referred back to them to refresh my learnings and recap information. I also enjoy being able to assess my anxiety levels at an objective level with the questionnaires at the beginning of each course.
- OCD Course participant
Thankyou for these fantastic courses.
They have really helped me, especially having the stories and illustrations to look at. It's a great way to present the course if a person has learning difficulties. Also great that reminder emails are sent and so much encouragement is given.
- OCD Course participant
Thank you SO MUCH.
I have struggled with sleep for years. I am currently in recovery for addiction and the sleepless nights, frustration and overthinking were a massive trigger for me. I am so grateful my GP suggested this course. Ngā mihi!
- Managing Insomnia Course participant
I love the resources at the end!
I can print them off and have them on the fridge to remind me, as I don't have my computer on all the time. Also, the worksheets are great to help guide through the activities.
- Health Anxiety Course participant
This course has helped me accept my anxiety
Thank you so much for providing a free course that is easily accessible. It has helped me accept my anxiety and I really appreciate having tools to help me.
- Anxiety Course participant
Absolutely a great course.
It helped me a lot. My anxiety went lower straight away after I understood what is anxiety and the ways to manage it.
- Anxiety Course participant
The course provided excellent ideas to try out, in a simple but informative way. The presentation was a fun way to do the course.
- Anxiety Course participant
I would like to express my absolute gratitude and thanks for this free course.
"I needed help and there was so much I could both relate to and use to help myself to stay well. I know I can get support again too with just a click of a button."
- Anxiety Course participant
Just a Thought has been an incredible resource for me.
"It has given me insights and tools that have made me feel seen and heard. I have found this tool so genuinely helpful, more so than people I’ve seen in person because of the level of access and the fact that is free! My Just a Thought course has been the first step on my CBT journey. I wouldn’t have come as far and as quickly as I have without it. Thanks so much for taking the time to put this resource together."
- Anxiety Course participant
The course was fantastic... Really inspiring.
"An amazing course that has given me the insight to move forward from anxiety. No longer does it rule my life. Sure, life is a roller coaster, but with the help of this course I have some really great tools in my life to help navigate it."
- Anxiety Course participant
Easy to use, not too long and the encouragement was great.
"It helped me to understand what was going on for me, and gave me practical things I could do to help."
- Anxiety Course participant
Using Just a Thought was a positive experience and I’d highly recommend it! The course was not challenging - however it challenged me to express how I was truly feeling in a safe space. This eased a lot of pressure for me.
- Staying on Track Course participant
I learnt things that were never offered to me in the past through my GP, psychologist and counsellor during in-person appointments.
"I found this course very helpful. I didn’t want it to end… Overall, I learned things that were never offered to me in the past through my GP, psychologist and counsellor during in-person appointments."
- Anxiety Course participant
I found aspects emotionally challenging e.g., practicing 'graded exposure' & writing 'worry stories,' but was amazed at how effective they were!
- Anxiety Course participant
This course took away much of my shame and guilt about how I was feeling. I began to see that it could be managed. I felt a lot more hopeful and less burdened.
"The course was very straightforward, reassuring, and easy to understand. I found it helpful to have the information about generalised anxiety made explicit and accessible in one place. This made it easier for me to revisit if I needed to explore anything further or clarify something. I found the supporting information in the resources section particularly useful.”
- Depression Course participant
Great initiative acknowledging the significance of mental health and making help easy to access anonymously
- Depression Course participant
I appreciate the solid advice and reminders to have realistic expectations.
"I just wanted to say thank you for the amazing work you do. I have completed your Generalised Anxiety Course and I come back to your resources often to reinforce my learning. I appreciate the solid advice and reminders to have realistic expectations.”
- Anxiety Course participant
I just wanted to say thank you for the great courses you offer for depression and anxiety.
“I just wanted to say thank you for the great courses you offer for depression and anxiety. I have completed both and continue to use all the tools in the course to better help my wellness and mental health recovery. Thank you again for all the wonderful resources and reading it has helped a lot.”
- Depression, Anxiety Course participant
I feel like I now know a bit more about myself and what I can do to get through days where I am struggling…I’m so pleased I did this course.
“I tried using an App on my phone, but I couldn’t connect or relate to it, so I gave up. So finding this course was great! While I know everything is a process and things take time, when I had a really dark day where I had thoughts of self harm, I was able to talk myself through it and think about things I learnt on the course and not harm myself. I feel like I now know a bit more about myself and what I can do to get through days where I am struggling, and I recognise signs, symptoms and triggers more. I’m so pleased I did this course.”
- Depression Course participant
I feel like it’s helping me recognise unhelpful habits and give me alternative tools.
"I love Just a Thought! I find the lessons really thought-provoking. I feel like it’s helping me recognise unhelpful habits and give me alternative tools. Thank you for this online course. I’m really grateful.”
- Depression Course participant
I guess to put it blankly; I wouldn’t have had any treatment if it wasn’t for this course, so thank you.
“I found finding help quite difficult. When I went to my GP, they referred me to services. I had to pay, which I have no objection to, but at $180 per session - I just couldn’t afford that. Then I found Just a Thought. I liked that the start of the course was more about education and doing something tangible like exercising and breathing. I didn’t find it too difficult and it felt very achievable. The course was also helpful because it turned out all the things I was doing to try and figure out what was happening and to help myself were actually doing the opposite. So even when some activities got difficult, I could at least stop the bad things straight away even if I couldn’t quite get my head around the good actions yet. I also liked that I got to do things on my own. I found this empowering. I didn’t have to feel vulnerable talking to someone else, especially when social situations make me feel anxious.”
- Anxiety Course participant
I love that I now have the strategies I need to calm myself and talk myself out of my anxiety.
“I've always struggled with low mood/slight anxiety throughout my life. However last year I went through an instance of extreme adult bullying that greatly impacted me. I ended up developing low self-esteem leading to depression.
Later on, I realised I also had developed severe anxiety too and it became completely debilitating. I found out about the Just a Thought website and so I began the depression course first…The main thing it helped me with was strategies to challenge my thoughts and ways to improve my self-worth. I began the anxiety course a few months after that. It made such a huge difference to my life. I am now able to stop myself and do a little thought challenging activity on my phone. I mix it with a breathing strategy and it helps significantly.
Since the start of the course I have now started art classes, kickboxing classes, regular yoga classes, I got a new job, and I am looking for a new home right now. Before this I was too anxious to do any of these things. I know it will be an ongoing recovery with lapses, but I love that I now have the strategies I need to calm myself and talk myself out of my anxiety.”
- Depression, Anxiety Course participant
I really appreciate the opportunity to do this course.
"I would like to thank you for making this course available. I have been told I would benefit from CBT many times, but because it's expensive to do I haven't been able to get the help. I really appreciate the opportunity to do this course."
- Anxiety Course participant